
Helper classes to convert between DatasetProvider objects and Dataset-like objects native to the PyTorch ecosystem

Module Contents

class kinoml.datasets.torch_datasets.PrefeaturizedTorchDataset(systems, measurements, observation_model: callable = _null_observation_model)


Exposes the X, y (systems and measurements, respectively) arrays exported by DatasetProvider using the API expected by Torch DataLoaders.

  • systems (array-like) – X vectors, as exported from featurized systems in DatasetProvider

  • measurements (array-like) – y vectors, as exported from the measurement values contained in a DatasetProvider

  • observation_model (callable, optional) – A function that adapts the predicted y to the observed y values. Useful to combine measurement types in the same model, if they are mathematically related. Normally provided by the Measurement type class.


Build a PyTorch DataLoader view of this Dataset

estimate_input_size() int

Estimate the input size for a model, using the first dimension of the X vector shape.

class kinoml.datasets.torch_datasets.TorchDataset(systems, measurements, featurizer, observation_model: callable = _null_observation_model)

Bases: PrefeaturizedTorchDataset

Same purpose as PrefeaturizedTorchDataset, but instead of taking arrays in, it takes the non-featurized System and Measurement``objects, and applies a ``featurizer on the fly upon access (e.g. during training).

  • systems (list of –

  • measurements (list of kinoml.core.measurements.BaseMeasurement) –

  • featurizer (callable) – A function that takes a System and returns an array-like object.

  • observation_model (callable, optional) – A function that adapts the predicted y to the observed y values. Useful to combine measurement types in the same model, if they are mathematically related. Normally provided by the Measurement type class.


Estimate the input size for a model, using the first dimension of the X vector shape.


In this case, the DatasetProvider is passing System objects that will be featurized (and memoized) upon access only.

class kinoml.datasets.torch_datasets.XyTorchDataset(X, y, indices=None)


Simple Torch Dataset adaptor where X and y are homogeneous tensors. All systems have the shape.

  • X (arraylike) – Featurized systems and their measurements

  • y (arraylike) – Featurized systems and their measurements

  • indices (dict of array selectors) – It will only accept train, train/test or train/test/val keys.

classmethod from_npz(path)

Load X and y arrays from a NPZ file present in disk. These files must expose at least two keys: X and y. It can also contain three more: idx_train, idx_test and idx_val, which correspond to the indices of the training, test and validation subsets.


npz (str) – Path to a NPZ file with the keys exposed above.

class kinoml.datasets.torch_datasets.MultiXTorchDataset(dict_of_arrays, indices=None)


This class is able to load NPZ files into a torch.Dataset compliant object.

It assumes the following things. If each system is characterized with a single tensor:

  • The X tensors can be of the same shape. In that case, the NPZ file only has a single X key, preloaded and accessible via .data_X`. When queried, it returns a view to the ``torch.tensor object.

  • The X tensors have different shape. In that case, the keys of the NPZ follow the X_s{int} syntax. When queried, it returns a list of torch.tensor objects.

If each system is characterized with more than one tensor:

  • The NPZ keys follow the X_s{int}_a{int} syntax. When queried, it returns a list of tuples of torch.tensor objects.

No matter the structure of X, y is assumed to be a homogeneous tensor, and it will always be returned as a view to the underlying torch.tensor object.

Additionally, the NPZ file might contain idx_train, idx_test (and idx_val) arrays, specifying indices for the train / test / validation split. If provided, they will be stored under an .indices dict.

  • dict_of_arrays (dict of np.ndarray) – See above.

  • indices (dict of np.ndarray) –


  • This object is better paired with the output of DatasetProvider.to_dict_of_arrays.

classmethod from_npz(path, lazy=True, close_filehandle=False)

Load from a single NPZ file. If lazy=True, this can be very slow for large amounts of arrays.

  • path (str) – Path to the NPZ file

  • lazy (bool, optional=True) – Whether to let Numpy load arrays on demand, upon access (True) or preload everything in memory (False)

  • close_filehandle (bool, optional=False) – Whether to close the NPZ filehandle after reading some metadata. This will enable parallelism without preloading everything, but each access will suffer the overhead of opening the NPZ file again!


NPZ files cannot be read in parallel (you’ll see CRC32 errors and others). If you want to use DataLoader(..., num_workers=2) or above, you’ll need to:

  • A) preload everything with lazy=False. This will use more RAM and incur an initial waiting time.

  • B) use close_filehandle=True. This will incur a penalty upon each access, because the NPZ file needs to be reloaded each time.


Note: This method might scale poorly and can end up being a bottleneck! Most of the time is spent accessing the NPZ file on disk, though.

Some timings:

>>> ds = MultiXTorchDataset.from_npz("ChEMBLDatasetProvider.npz")
>>> %timeit _ = ds[0:2]
2.91 ms ± 222 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
>>> %timeit _ = ds[0:4]
5.59 ms ± 253 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
>>> %timeit _ = ds[0:8]
11.4 ms ± 1.02 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
>>> %timeit _ = ds[0:16]
22.7 ms ± 1.27 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
>>> %timeit _ = ds[0:32]
44.7 ms ± 4.47 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
>>> %timeit _ = ds[0:64]
87 ms ± 2.74 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
>>> %timeit _ = ds[0:128]
171 ms ± 2.68 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
static _key_to_ints(key: str) List[int]

NPZ keys are formatted with this syntax:

{X|y}_{1-character str}{int}_{1-character str}{int}_

We split by underscores and extract the ints into a list

class kinoml.datasets.torch_datasets.AwkwardArrayDataset(data)


Loads an Awkward array of Records.

The structure of the array dimensions needs to be:

  • List of systems

—- X1 —- X2 —- … —- Xn —- y

However, X1…Xn, y are accessed by positional index, as a string.

So, to get all the X1 vectors for all systems, you’d do:

X1 = data[“0”] X2 = data[“1”]

Since y is always the last one you can use the data.fields list:

y = data[data.fields[-1]]

This is essentially what __getitem__ is doing for you.

It will try to consolidate tensors whenever possible, as long as they have the same shape. If they do not, then you’ll get a list of tensors instead.

If this is the case, make sure to provide a suitable collate_fn function for the corresponding Dataloader! More info:


With several tensors per system, but all of the same shape, it is faster:

>>> awk = AwkwardArrayDataset.from_parquet("same_shape.parquet")
>>> %timeit _ = awk[:50]
2.38 ms ± 286 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
>>> awk = AwkwardArrayDataset.from_parquet("different_shape.parquet")
>>> %timeit _ = awk[:50]
9.32 ms ± 252 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

This is probably due to the Awkward->Numpy->Torch conversions that need to happen for each different-shape sub-tensor. Look in __getitem__ for bottlenecks.

classmethod from_parquet(path, **kwargs)
kinoml.datasets.torch_datasets._accessor_to_indices(accessor, full_size)